Smart Diagnostics Grid

In digital automobile production, all vehicles are permanently online in the DSA circulating test system Smart Diagnostics Grid and communicate with the production infrastructure via a backend. The Smart Diagnostics Grid controls the entire configuration and diagnostics process, thus ensuring greater transparency and efficiency.

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The integration of the vehicle into the existing plant IT is made possible via WiFi by means of DSA circulating adapters (either in the Lean Diagnostics Edge or Smart Diagnostics Edge concept), which remain plugged into the vehicle over several production cycles. Alternatively, the integration is carried out via an on-board diagnostic edge installed in the vehicle. While in the Lean Diagnostics Edge approach (e.g. with the DSA WDI-2X) the vehicle is connected to the component for sequence execution via Wi-Fi and the sequence execution is running on a related hardware computer at the production line or on a computer center on a virtualized tester, the Smart Diagnostics Edge is a circulating tester with integrated test sequence execution (e.g. DSA smartMDI).

For vehicles that are already equipped with the DSA Connected Vehicle-Onboard Diagnostics software stack (with the core components PRODIS.PDU and PRODIS.MCD), the On-Board Diagnostics Edge integrated into the vehicle allows the execution of sequences both inside the vehicle and externally.


Depending on the application, user interaction takes place via large stationary monitors or portable devices such as the RCU-3 and Smart Glasses.

The circulating test system is controlled by the control logic in PRODIS.PlantHUB, which is the central element of the circulating test system. The control logic ensures that even in mixed operation with classic diagnostic testers, Smart and Lean Edges and On-Board Edges, the right components are connected, and the right tasks are performed. This applies to every scope of commissioning and every vehicle. On the basis of the current vehicle position and its condition, commissioning scopes can also be executed automatically. A central GUI displays all vehicles and resources with position and status. This enables the flexible distribution of diagnostic scopes and their continuous monitoring throughout the vehicle production process in the assembly plants.

Simplify the ergonomy of commissioning activities with a dynamic connection between diagnostics interface and Human-Machine Interface, reducing worker load.

Alfons Schulte

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