Remote Diagnosis and Telematics

Monitoring of transportation fleets to detect defective systems or critical situations saves time and money. Determined real-time monitoring of working machines and commercial vehicles will help to optimize your fleet management.

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In the area of transport and logistics, intelligent hardware and software helps to improve driving routes, points to faulty conditions in the tractor or load—all while your transport is moving from A to B. Via a GSM radio connection (for example via UMTS), you are always online via the Internet, you receive important ad hoc parameters and can actively take appropriate action.

DSA provides hardware and software technology platforms for telematics and remote diagnosis independent of the vehicle type and manufacturer. It is also possible to integrate existing standalone solutions. We provide you with a customized solution.

In the commercial vehicle sector, data for fleet management is transmitted, such as GPS position, driving speed and machine parameters. Further applications are:

  • Transmission of status and driver information
  • Status information about sensors (tire pressure, coupling sensor, door lock, freight, etc.)
  • Information of cooling aggregate/sections of refrigerated trucks (temperature, etc.)
Michael Kohlhaas

We are ready to help!

Michael Kohlhaas
+49 (0) 2408 9492-0

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