Interactive Repair Assist

If a defective component or subsystem is identified, the repair assist explains specific repair steps. Furthermore, the workshop assistant can search the entire document stock for further information.

Flashen und Codieren

The interactive repair assist is the central component in aftersales that helps the workshop employee finding basic information about the vehicle and its components.

By linking the various system and component documentations with the ECU's error entries, the interactive repair assist dynamically searches for the relevant information and makes it available to the workshop employee.

Error codes, vehicle series, component descriptions, and other information are used by the repair assist to search vehicle-specific documents needed to repair the affected vehicle component.

In addition, the entire vehicle documentation can be filtered vehicle and problem-specific by an interactive search, so that only this information is displayed that is relevant to the vehicle currently being tested.

Sven Lüttwitz

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Sven Lüttwitz
+49 (0) 2408 9492-0

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